The following is an excerpt from Joseph Smith's writings: History of the Church, Volume 3, Chapter IX, Pages 88-90.
"In the forenoon of that day the Council of the Seventies met and invited President Hyrum Smith, and sent for President William Marks, but he was not at home, and consequently did not attend. Benjamin S. Wilber, in absence of the clerk, was invited to as as clerk pro ten. After the meeting was opened by President Hyrum Smith by prayer, they proceeded to draw up under supervision of President Smith the outlines of the following Constitution for the organization and government of the camp, which was adopted at the meeting in the afternoon. ...
The Constitution was read and explained to the meeting item by item, that there might be no misunderstandings concerning any part of it or of the motives and designs of the Seventies in movement in the agitation; and those subscribed to the Constitution were exhorted to make all preparations in their power to carry into effect the object of the camp, and the meeting was adjourned to Saturday, 17th at one p.m.."
The Constitution
"The council of the seventies met this day in the attic story of the Lord's House and took into consideration the propriety and necessity of the body of the Seventies going up to the land of Zion , in a company together the present season, and adopted the following rules, & laws, for the organization, and government, of the camp:
First- That the Presidents of the Seventies, seven in number, shall be the Councilors [i.e., leaders] of the camp; and that there shall be one man appointed as treasurer, who shall by the advice of the Councilors, manage the financial concerns during the journey, and keep a just and accurate account of all monies received and expended for the use of the camp.
Second- That there shall be one man appointed to preside over each tent, to take charge of it; and that from the time of their appointment they the tent-men shall make all necessary arrangements for the providing of teams, and tents for the journey; and they shall receive counsel and advice from the Councilors; and furthermore, shall see that cleanliness, and decency are observed in all cases, the commandments kept, and the Word of Wisdom heeded, that is, no tobacco, tea, coffee, snuff or ardent spirits of any kind, are to be taken internally.
Third- That every man shall be the head of his own family, and shall see that they are brought into subjection, according to the order of the camp.
Fourth- That all those that shall subscribe to these resolutions, rules, and regulations, shall make every exertion, and use all lawful means to provide for themselves, and their families and for the use and benefit of the camp to which they belong: and also to hand over to the Seven Councilors all monies appropriated for that purpose on or before the day the camp shall start.
Fifth- That the money shall be retained in the hands of the Councilors, being divided proportionately among them for safety and shall be paid over to the Treasurer as circumstances may require.
Sixth- That any faithful brethren wishing to journey with us can do so by subscribing to, and observing these rules and regulations.
Seventh- That every individual shall at the end of the journey- when a settlement is to be made, or as soon thereafter as there circumstances will permit- pay their proportional part of the expenses of the journey. By expenses it is understood all that is necessarily paid out for the use a team, wagon or cow, if they safely arrive at the place, where the camp shall finally break up.
Eighth- That these rules and laws shall be strictly observed, and every person who shall behave disorderly and not conform to them shall be disfellowshipped by the camp and left by the wayside.
Ninth- That this shall be the law of the camp in journeying from this place up to the land of Zion, and that it may be added unto or amended as circumstances may require by the voice of those who shall subscribe to it.
[And we whose names of the persons and number in their respective families, who subscribed to the foregoing constitution].
+ Many others not mentioned here: See source
+ Many others not mentioned here: See source
Source: History of the Church, Volume 3, Chapter IX. Pages 88-93.