Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hiram subscribed to the Kirtland Camp Constitution 1838

The following is an excerpt from Joseph Smith's writings: History of the Church, Volume 3, Chapter IX, Pages 88-90.

"In the forenoon of that day the Council of the Seventies met and invited President Hyrum Smith, and sent for President William Marks, but he was not at home, and consequently did not attend. Benjamin S. Wilber, in absence of the clerk, was invited to as as clerk pro ten.  After the meeting was opened by President Hyrum Smith by prayer, they proceeded to draw up under supervision of President Smith the outlines of the following Constitution for the organization and government of the camp, which was adopted at the meeting in the afternoon. ...
The Constitution was read and explained to the meeting item by item, that there might be no misunderstandings concerning any part of it or of the motives and designs of the Seventies in movement in the agitation; and those subscribed to the Constitution were exhorted to make all preparations in their power to carry into effect the object of the camp, and the meeting was adjourned to Saturday, 17th at one p.m.."

The Constitution

"The council of the seventies met this day in the attic story of the Lord's House and took into consideration the propriety and necessity of the body of the Seventies going up to the land of Zion, in a company together the present season, and adopted the following rules, & laws, for the organization, and government, of the camp:
First- That the Presidents of the Seventies, seven in number, shall be the Councilors [i.e., leaders] of the camp; and that there shall be one man appointed as treasurer, who shall by the advice of the Councilors, manage the financial concerns during the journey, and keep a just and accurate account of all monies received and expended for the use of the camp.
Second- That there shall be one man appointed to preside over each tent, to take charge of it; and that from the time of their appointment they the tent-men shall make all necessary arrangements for the providing of teams, and tents for the journey; and they shall receive counsel and advice from the Councilors; and furthermore, shall see that cleanliness, and decency are observed in all cases, the commandments kept, and the Word of Wisdom heeded, that is, no tobacco, tea, coffee, snuff or ardent spirits of any kind, are to be taken internally.
Third- That every man shall be the head of his own family, and shall see that they are brought into subjection, according to the order of the camp.
Fourth- That all those that shall subscribe to these resolutions, rules, and regulations, shall make every exertion, and use all lawful means to provide for themselves, and their families and for the use and benefit of the camp to which they belong: and also to hand over to the Seven Councilors all monies appropriated for that purpose on or before the day the camp shall start.
Fifth- That the money shall be retained in the hands of the Councilors, being divided proportionately among them for safety and shall be paid over to the Treasurer as circumstances may require.
Sixth- That any faithful brethren wishing to journey with us can do so by subscribing to, and observing these rules and regulations.
Seventh- That every individual shall at the end of the journey- when a settlement is to be made, or as soon thereafter as there circumstances will permit- pay their proportional part of the expenses of the journey.   By expenses it is understood all that is necessarily paid out for the use a team, wagon or cow, if they safely arrive at the place, where the camp shall finally break up.
Eighth- That these rules and laws shall be strictly observed, and every person who shall behave disorderly and not conform to them shall be disfellowshipped by the camp and left by the wayside.
Ninth- That this shall be the law of the camp in journeying from this place up to the land of Zion, and that it may be added unto or amended as circumstances may require by the voice of those who shall subscribe to it. 
[And we whose names of the persons and number in their respective families, who subscribed to the foregoing constitution].



+ Many others not mentioned here: See source

Source: History of the Church, Volume 3, Chapter IX. Pages 88-93.

Hyrum Dayton is Ordained an Elder by the Prophet Joseph Smith

Date: Saturday, 2 January 1836
Location: Kirtland, Ohio

"Council voted that Vinson Knight and Thomas Grover should be ordained Elders. And some other business was transacted in union and fellowship, and the best of feeling to prevail among brethren, and our hearts were made glad on the occasion, and there was joy in heaven, and my soul doth magnify the Lord, for His goodness and mercy endure forever.  
Elijah Fordham, Hyrum Dayton, Samuel James and John Herrot were also appointed by Council to be ordained Elders under my hands."

Source: History of the Church, Volume  2, Chapter XXVI. Page 354.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hiram Teaches in the Seventies Hall, Nauvoo, Illinois 1845

Location: Nauvoo, Illinois, Seventies Hall
Date: 2 Feb 1845 Sunday

As written in the Prophet Joseph Smith's Journal
"Sunday, 2.- At home - unwell.  Elders Heber C. Kimball and John E. Page preached in the Music Hall.  The seventies and their families met in their hall.  Elders Luman A. Shurtliff, Hiram Dayton, and Joseph Young preached.  Evening, visited Father John Smith and the mother of the Prophet."

Source: History of the Church: Volume 7, Chapter XXVIII,Page 379.

Mission Call Hiram Dayton and Lysander Dayton

Hiram Dayton [Age 46] was called to serve in the OHIO MISSION with his son Lysander Dayton [Age 17].
15 April 1844

"We publish the names of the Elders who are appointed to several states, together with their appointments.  Those who are numbered with the figures 1 and 2 will take the presidency of the several states to which they are appointed

Lorenzo Snow was listed as 1,  
L. Brooks was listed as 2 
 along with 39 other men called to the OHIO MISSION. 

"Those Elders who are numbered in the foregoing list to preside over the different states will appoint conferences in all places in their several states where opportunities  present, and will attend all the conferences, or send experienced and able Elders, who will preach the truth of righteousness, and present before the people, "General Smith's Views of the Power and Policy of the General Government," and seek diligently to get electors who will go for him for the Presidency.  All the Elders will be faithful in preaching the Gospel in its simplicity and beauty, in all meekness, humility, long-suffering and prayerfulness; and the Twelve will devote the season to traveling, and will attend as many conferences as possible...."  Brigham Young, President

SOURCE: History of the Church, Joseph Smith, Volume 6, Chapter XVI., Page 334, 335, 337.

Strong willed personality -Father/Son

Hiram Dayton, Lysander Dayton

I find this story illustrating Hyrum and his son Lysander, having a strong willed personality.

"Tuesday 2.-Two p.m., Hyrum Dayton was brought before Mayor's court for disorderly conduct in resisting and abusing the police: fined $25 and costs.  His son Lysander Dayton, for the same offense, was sentenced to ten days' hard labor, on the public streets; and subsequently, for contempt of court, ten days more." 

Source: History of the Church, Joseph Smith, Volume 6, Chapter VII, Page 155. 

Incredible Record -Wood-Cutting Bee at the Prophet's Home

A Day of Service, Love and Fun, 
Nauvoo, Illinois
20 February 1843, Monday

"About seventy of the brethren came together, according to previous notice, and drawed, sawed, chopped, split, moved, and piled up a large lot of wood in my yard. The day was spent by them in much pleasantry, good humor and feeling. A white oak log, measuring five feet four inches in diameter was cut through with a cross-cut saw, in four-and-a-half minutes, by Hyrum Dayton and Brother John Tidwell. This tree had been previously cut and hauled by my own hands and team." 
Journal of Joseph Smith, Prophet

Proper Source: History of the Church, Joseph Smith, Period 1, Volume V. Page 282 Date: 20 February 1843

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Illinois Period 1838-1846

As indicated in "the Family Record of Hiram and Permelia Dayton"

"We finally landed at the Mississippi River opposite Quincy, Illinois. We remained there about two weeks in which time I was able to walk with a little help. We then went to Nauvoo. The whole camp of us and the most part of the Saints at the Mississippi River were penniless and nothing to help themselves with, there may have been a few exceptions. Some few of the Saints got able to put in a little garden, same wore able to break up land and put in some crops. After remaining there six weeks I recovered myself so as to be able to go to work. I built a good outstanding house, bought a piece of land from the government. (80 acres) With the help of my boys we put sixty acres under improvements. I bought ten acres of land from Hiram Kimball, and built three good houses and was prosperous in every thing I went into.
We remained there and helped build up that city and the Temple, until the mob came upon us. Not being able to sell anything, I left my property in the hands of Hiram Kimball, the original owner of the land, for to sell and do the best he could for me. He sold the property for houses and lots in the city of Boston, Mass. He afterwards took the Overland Mail. But I could collect nothing from him. Before taking the mail, he sold the property in Boston, bought with my lands, for $4,000, which was a dead loss to me. It was at the time when the property was worth three times the amount

The time when he was sick, he felt very close to the veil of death, this is where he learned to exhibit more faith and letting go, trusting more in the hand of God's will, regardless of his own desires.
Truly letting the spirit flow in such a pure way that he sincerely learns "thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven".  That experience prepared him to become a wonderful patriarch in Alpine Valley, Utah.  This was really important in his life as to further prepare the way for the Lord as an instrument in His hands.

Permelia was on the trail with him, walking all the way, rest where it was needed. She was very concerned for his health as well.  She prayed and prayed alot, not wanting to lose her husband knowing the death of her children this was hard.  She fasted for him.  She had a few experiences that helped her know the gospel was true and help sustain her through these trials of life.  It was hard for her when she lost here children and tried all she could to save them.  She had to exhibit faith in the Lord knowing his will was to be done. She truly learned what the Lord giveth the can taketh away.  She had a broken heart when she lost her children, and took alot of pride in being a mother.  Loved to teach them and be brought up properly in society, manners, spiritual righteousness, domestic knowledge.  Hiram was a very loving man but was not always easy to live with, as he expected alot of his children, they balanced each other out.  Giving and taking where it was needed to help her family.

Trial by faith.  He said that and many many more, in fact yo can ask request, upon many more of them becuase of his faithfulness that he lead beauce of his example, those blessings are passed down to us, if we have certain blessings we request, and with in the lOrd will, because of Hiram they shald be granted.  He jsut tol her that theres a reason, that Joseph smith, when he congratualted her, is becuase of Hirams request because of the time when he spent with him, given her abilites and faith,
She wont be able to see Joseph any more after Krtland.   The role he plays with his descendants is even more important, now as he is in heaven,  They are still trying to pray for us and pleade for us to taech the gospel to our familes.   there is nto much of a barrier as we think here.   The veil for me,  i find the same stories thru technology, and I have a gift to find.   They actually assist in that.   the spirit of elijak presides with me.

Missouri Period

By this time 1838, Hiram's boys of the ages: Hiram Miles was 17, Lysander was 11, Moses Bundy was 7, William Wallace was 6, Moroni was 4.

As recorded in "the Family Record of Hiram and Permelia Bundy Dayton"

Then we settled in Daviess County Missouri. We bought out the settlers there. I turned over my part, one pair of good horses, one new wagon and one set of new harnesses, worth in all $600. We were driven from Daviess County in 1838, losing everything.

We then went to Far West, Mo. where we suffered considerably. When we were forced to leave here by order of the mob. I was sick and also my family of ten, except one daughter. I had to leave my three children in the hands of the mob. It was in February and extremely cold weather. I drove the distance of thirty miles when I stopped to bait my team. Three of my children begged me to throw them out of the wagon to die, for they would soon freeze to death. Next day I could not stand to think of my children in the hands of the mob, so I drove back for them. The army numbering 14,00 was at that time in Far West. They had destroyed all they stock they could get hold of, and even took the hogs out of their pens. Before leaving Far West we had just completed a horse mill, and I had soy corn in a field. While gathering the corn from the field, two men were killed by the mobbers, and I had to flee for my life. (My son Lysander gathered the corn.) I shelled out two bushels and put one of my horses on the mill and ground it out in the night. There being nothing to eat in Far West, we hid hogs about the mill. I being so sick and not being able to do anything myself, and the soldiers still being there, I asked one of them to shoot a hog for me. He said he would shoot it for a bit. (12 1/2 c) I had no money, not even a bit, and while pleading with him to kill the hog, I saw one of the Brethren coming toward us. I asked him if he had a bit to let me have. He gave me all the money he had which was 25c. The soldier shot the pig but did not kill it. I wanted him to shoot it again but he would not do it unless I paid him another bit, which I did.
He then shot and killed the pig. I then asked him if he would please help me get the hog in my wagon, and he utterly refused to help me. I was not able to lif t fifty pounds. My son Lysander drove my team into a deep hollow, got a couple of poles and put them in the back of the wagon. We then snoked the hog to them and rolled it in on them. We had cleaned the hog before putting it in the wagon. I then started back to Far West, crossed the river whore my children were. Two of them were sick and I had nothing to give them but some frozen corn bread. Having arrived at Far West, I got into a house of Sister Rigdons. Her husband, some of the Twelve and the Prophet was then in Liberty Jail. This was the first time my wife had been in a house for ten months. She was therefore very feeble, having been confined two months previous to our coming back to Far West. We stayed with the Rigdons about ten days. I then rented a small house of one of the Brethren. We stayed there for two weeks and then had to give possesion to the owner. Some few days after this a merchant heard my conversation with several friends and the owner of the house I had just left. I was talking about what I should do. He, the merchant proposed giving myself and team and labor, to freight merchandise for him and some of his friends. He said the Missourians would get drunk and steal his goods. He had a log cabin and stable one and a half miles from the city, which he said we could occupy. I loaded up what things I could take and moved out there. One of my daughters (Nancy) the one who had been well all through my sickness, rode horseback without saddle or blanket. She caught a violent cold while going out there, and took sick in a few days and lived about two weeks and died. I took her body down to the City to bury her.. The ground was frozen very deep. I was very feeble and not being able to dig her grave. I asked several bystanders to assist me, but I could not get them to help me at all. I then borrowed some tools and went to the graveyard when a negro came to me and said, "Massah, I will dig the grave and bury your daughter."
At that time we were destitute of food and clothing. My son Lysander drove the team, freighting for the merchant. He worked for him seven weeks and earned about $30. per week. I began to feel a little better in health. I felt as though I could do pretty well. On the eighth week I took one of my horses to haul up some wood to the door. I hitched on to a stick about thirty feet long. I got bound between two stumps. I took hold of the top end to raise it up when I fell as quick as though I had been shot. My wife and daughter was standing in the door and came to pick me up. I was about eight rods from the house. They helped me along, about half of the way I fell again. They lifted me up and carried me in the house and laid me upon the bed. I was bedfast for eleven weeks racked in most violent pain, the doctor called the disease "Theatic Rheumatism" in the kidneys. It finally broke and discharged, and I felt a little better. My eldest son Lysander and the team made out enough to keep the family up, until the first of April 1839, we then all had to leave Missouri or be exterminated. Four days previous to our time of starting, one of my neighbors came to me and said he wanted to have my son and team work for him one day. I had a very fine mare. He had tried very often to buy from me. My son performed the labor and turned the horses into a very strong yard. In the morning the mare was gone. My son hunted for her and of I hired a man to help him, three days, and she could not be found. We had I to leave and I was then amongst strangers, thirty miles from Far West. I then took an old horse that had followed me from Far West and harnessed We him up with my good horse. I chained the good horse back so he would have all the load to pull, the old horse coming along just to hold up his side of the tongue. A portion of the family being able to walk we traveled eight miles the first day. The boys nursed the old horse up the best they could. He improved so that in a few days he could pull his portion of the load."

Ohio Doctrine and Covenants Sections Written in Kirtland


Sixty-six sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were given in Kirtland, Hiram, Thompson, Amherst, and Orange, Ohio, from 1831 through 1837.
Left, top: The John Johnson home in Hiram, Ohio, was the site where 16 sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were revealed. Among them was section 76, which describes the telestial, terrestrial, and celestial kingdoms of heaven.
John Johnson home(click to view larger)
Left, center: Forty-six revelations were received in Kirtland, Ohio, more than any other location. The School of the Prophets met in this upstairs room of the Newell K. Whitney store. As result of the common use of tobacco at the time and in this room, the Lord revealed D&C 89.
upstairs room of Newell K. Whitney store(click to view larger)
Left, bottom: Several revelations revolve around the Kirtland Temple but the most powerful is found in D&C 110. On April 3, 1836, Jesus Christappeared. Moses, Elias, and Elijah also appeared to commit their keys to the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Kirtland Temple(click to view larger)
Background: Local tradition identifies this site, two miles west of the Kirtland Temple, as the quarry from which the stones for the temple were taken. The quarry eventually filled with groundwater and became known as the square lake.
quarry site

Dayton Family Account in Kirtland, Ohio

"Behold, thus saith the Lord your God unto you, O ye elders of my achurch, hearken ye and hear, and receive my will concerning you."  Doctrine and Covenants 64:1

These are the words Hiram heard concerning the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the late winter of 1832.  For the first time in his life, Hiram met a prophet of the Lord, the Prophet Joseph Smith.  He carried about him such a powerful presence of authority, unlike any other man, that he found himself wanting to know all he had to say.  Soon thereafter, by the power of the Holy Ghost, Hiram and his family felt strongly this was the right religion to raise their large family by and follow the Prophet Joseph Smith. On February 18, 1832 they were baptized.
Since the saints were gathering in Kirtland, Ohio, just 27 miles ways by carriage and horse, they chose to sell their acres of farm land there in Parkman, Ohio and move to Kirtland.  Living in Parkman was a challenge, in fact, living any where was a challenge for the saints, but to believe in somethings so right, with such conviction, they endured and did all they could to remain true to the faith.  By 1834, they settled with the saints in Kirtland.  Hiram and his boys were hard working men, to cut up new land was no small task, to work for the church in preparing for the Lords first temple as inspired was much harder.  His wife, Permelia, had just given birth to Moroni and was laden with child another child when they moved further west to Kirtland, later known as Lousia (dau.).
Six years later from his baptismal date in 1832, Hiram was ordained a Seventy.  He did all that he was required to do in Kirtland to build up the foundation of the church as we know it today.

As quoted in from the pages of "The Family Record of Hiram Dayton and Permelia Bundy Dayton"

"I received the Gospel of the Latter Day Saints in the year 1832. Myself and wife were baptized by the Prophet Joseph Smith. I was at that time living at Parkman, Ohio. My persecutions were so heavy that I could not live there long. My friends and neighbors destroyed my property, and twice laid plans to take my life. When I left Parkman with my wife and nine children, I was forced to sell my farm for $500, It was sold three years later for $5,000.
Then I moved to Kirtland, Ohio where I opened up a farm and put it under cultivation. I broke up sixty acres and put a double ditch around the whole farm. My farm was valued at $1,000. I built a good house and set out a good orchard. I then built me a house in the city of Kirtland costing $800. also built a good frame barn, clap boarded and finished off in the best style, valued at $300. I then set out an orchard of all kinds of fruit. I took a job on Public Works to cut down the hills. The grade to run opposite the Temple, and I contracted to dig a canal to turn the Chagnan River in. This canal was for running steamboats up to Kirtland. I expended on the above work $2,000 in cash and worked my whole family for a year. Will put our labor at $500. We were driven from Kirtland and I could not accomplish all my works this was in 1836. ".

Alot of things happened in Kirtland.
This period of time they spent alot of time on building the first temple, Kirtland.

D&C...18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, ashall receivebhealth in their navel and marrow to their bones;."

As Hiram was working on the temple, his sons would be working the land at home, and when his boys were working to build the temple his father would be working on the temple.  He would push them harder than most boys to build strong young men.  These boys were pre teenagers but working on the farm boys started early in life to help provide.
Permelia was very busy with her many children, and very open to helping other families to service their needs. Relief Society was soon to be established in March 1842.  So in preparation the sisters were very much a support to each other.
In Kirtland the persecutions were always looming and very scary while they were building the Temple and church building.  Men would watch guard at night to protect the work in building the temple. It was their faith that got them through.    Hiram carried a dagger about him that would often rest in his boot.  His son would sometimes carry it in his belt.   We feel that Hiram was use to having a dagger about him to provide protection if needed.
Hiram was also given a special dagger by Joseph Smith, many ornate engravings were upon it, this device was uniquely blessed to provide lasting protection, as they journeyed to Salt Lake City, Utah.  Hiram was given this dagger just before he left Kirtland, knowing the upcoming persecutions would be not be any less, hoping it would be helpful in protecting his family.

While in Kirtland, he continued to earn money for his family while building the temple.  He worked by contract for the city of Kirtland as a way to bring in supplies, food and such for the future through an easier means, boat.  This was his way of contributing to the church and providing an income to his family.  This time period in Kirtland was dedicated to helping his family, and establishing a beautiful city, Kirtland. Building the temple was its crowning beauty.
 He gave all he could, and there was never a question to do it.

Spiritually, Hiram knew the Bible very well.

There was a few times where he was able to participate in the Schools of Prophets, and Joseph would teach them on the temple grounds out in the beautiful air outside instead of being cooped up in a room of men. He has also had the opportunity to participate in the School of the Prophets in the Newell K. Whitney store where Orson Pratt, Sydney Rigdon, +20 additional men met in the school. He enjoyed this very much and loved delving into questions that provoked a desire to know more.  Joseph was a man that loved to use examples to teach men the teaching of the gospel.
Joseph Smith once told Hiram that he was very keen to the spirit, and because he was a deep thinker, he could let the pride of thinking so deep, complicate the simplicity of how to truly be taught by the spirit and to practice developing the faith as a child has, how to have pure faith.

Hiram loved working along side Joseph Smith while building the temple, all working for the common cause of Zion.  Joseph Smith was a great person to work along side of, having a positive and cheerful disposition.  When Joseph spoke, he spoke with the voice of authority and the spirit of truth that penetrated ones soul to know life is all in the perspective of the creator, and to keep his eye on the bigger picture .  An unwavering faith keep him going and helped in remaining true to the faith.